1 by rosebud ben-oni
Stepping Away with Diego Baez |
-CantoMundo, July 12, 2014
If this is not Latinidad then no we are not
Post-pulling prompts from a hat I’d like to take a nap but now Diego’s asking Us about summer with our eyes closed I don’t get that My eyes never close Diego I’m sick of beach umbrellas And flamingos it’s hard to speak about Jerusalem When I just want to love like XO why are we Always looking back and pulling pacts out of hats If that is not Levantine then no I’m not Poems in which lemon drops ruin me I hunted for trolls in evergreen Around 1:10 or so because Lorna Dee says To remember Diego I am the fist of the bank And it’s not a competition but I’m getting married Too and summer with my eyes closed is my husband Who wants us to be a single room To stop answering calls at 3 am from family in Jerusalem Telling me it’s the end all over again that’s why I woke up like this I woke up like this looking Post-Oslo Post-accords one and two to be sure it’s not you Diego Or the flamingos so divine on the lawns with stone angels It’s not PTSD anymore than post-Ricky Martin Menudo I like riding around with you and Juan and Octavio And Darrel Alejandro too post hollering at the wolves Post strange ghosts in elevators asking after summatime Like it’s for the asking If not for our eyes only then no now why Why would they ever close |
ROSEBUD BEN-ONI is CantoMundo Fellow and the author of SOLECISM (Virtual Artists Collective, 2013). Her work appears in The American Poetry Review, Arts & Letters, Bayou, Puerto del Sol, among others. In Fall 2014, she will be a visiting writer at the University of Texas at Brownsville’s Writers Live Series. Rosebud is an Editorial Advisor for VIDA: Women in Literary Arts (vidaweb.org). Find out more about her at 7TrainLove.org. |